Dharma Talk of the Month

Finding the Compassion in Zen by Zenki Kathleen Batson

Josho Pat Phelan Roshi

Abbess, Chapel Hill Zen Center

The Buddha We Are

Zazen Posture

Practicing with the Breath

Friendliness to Self, Part 1

Friendliness to Self, Part 2

Interview with Abbess Phelan

Tomando los preceptos y cosiendo el rakusu

The Four Noble Truths

China Travel Diary

Lectures for Kids

Abbess' Diary: Zuise Haito



Talks on the Fukanzazengi (Sesshin, December 2019): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Precepts Series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Talks on Video

Being Alive for This Life

The Buddhist View on Perception and Misperception

The Subtle and Profound Meaning of Self-nature

Practicing with Fear

Developing Awareness

Zenki Kathleen Batson

Vice Abbess, Chapel Hill Zen Center


Giving Thanks

The Five Skandhas

Dharma Transmission


Finding the Compassion in Zen

Talks on Video

Some Thoughts on Silence

Fearlessness, the Paramitas and Batman

Talks on Audio

Storying Water

Water in the Teachings

Water in Our Practice

Jakuko Mo Ferrell

Priest, Chapel Hill Zen Center

On Breathing

Song of the Grass Roof Hut

Talks on Video

Cherry Pie

Kuden Paul Boyle

Priest, Forest City Zen Group

Comments on the Repentance Verse

The Rakusu and the Precepts

The Han

The Spirit of Zen Practice

What Can We Learn From Painful Zazen?

Spirituality and the Dharma

Nyugen Liz Moore

Priest, Chapel Hill Zen Center

A Talk Given at the Chapel Hill Zen Center in 2007

Choro Carla Antonaccio

Abiding Teacher, Austin Zen Center

Returning to the Source

Talk on Intimacy

Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi

Former Abbot, Berkeley Zen Center

Stages of Practice

The Form of Our Life

The Heart Sutra and the Mantra of Our Life

Talk on Dogen's Zenki, part 1

Talk on Dogen's Zenki, part 2

Dogen's Instructions for the Head Cook, I

Dogen's Instructions for the Head Cook, II

Continuous Practice: Why and How

Dogen's Genjokoan

Zazen is Vast Openness

We Are Not Trying to Get Something Good I

We Are Not Trying to Get Something Good II

Be Yourself Completely, part 2

Practicing Prajna Paramita

To Whom Do We Bow?

Monastic Weekend, Talk 1, part 1

Monastic Weekend, Talk 1,part 2

To Whom Do We Bow? (part 1)

To Whom Do We Bow? (part 2)

Raise a Speck of Dust

Dogen's "Zenki"

Way-Seeking Mind

Heart Sutra Series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Eihei Dogen Zenji's Genjokoan Series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Zenkei Blanche Hartman

Former Abbess,
San Francisco Zen Center

Right There Where You're Standing

Pain as a Teacher

A Natural Action

Beginner's Mind

Birth and Death

Jusan Ed Brown

Cook Your Life

Excerpts from Sesshin Lectures,
Green Gulch Farm, August 1985

Katherine Thanas

Former Abbess, Santa Cruz Zen Center
and Monterey Bay Zen Center

The Bodhisattva's Life

Just Sitting, Just Meeting

The Oneness of Two

We Live in the Lives of Others

Dairyu Michael Wenger

Retired Guiding Teacher,
Dragons Leap Meditation Center

An Open Tradition

Seeing the Shadow

Shosan Victoria Austin

Priest, San Francisco Zen Center

Aligning the Body with the Precepts

Sitting Guidelines and the Precepts

Nonin Chowaney

Former Abbot, Nebraska Zen Center

Santoka Taneda, Monk & Poet


Putting Down Our Burden

Jiko Linda Cutts

Former Abbess,
San Francisco Zen Center

Face to Face: the Meaning Comes Alive

Zoketsu Norman Fischer

Former Abbot,
San Francisco Zen Center,
Teacher, Everyday Zen Foundation

On Zen Work

Suffering in the Bible and in Zen

Gil Fronsdal

Guiding Teacher,
Insight Meditation Center
of the Mid-Peninsula

Bodhisattva Vows & Four Noble Truths

David Guy

Author (with Larry Rosenberg) of two books on Insight Meditation

Teaching Meditation

Barbara Kohn

Former Head Teacher, Austin Zen Center

Master Ma Was Not Well

Baizan Cathleen Williams

Priest, San Francisco Zen Center

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Daigaku Rumme

Head Teacher,
Confluence Zen Center STL

A Talk Given at Chapel Hill Zen Center in 2018

Les Kaye

Abbott, Kannon Do Zen Center

Various Lectures

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

Founding Abbott, San Francisco Zen Center

Real Precepts are Beyond Words

How to Observe the Precepts

The Manifested Three Treasures, part 1

Sincere Practice & Wayseeking Mind

Right Effort in Practice

Zazen, Rituals & Precepts